Welcome to Pallavi Clinic
Pallavi Panchkarma & fitness clinic / Pallavi Clinic offers Ayurvedic treatment for infertility, Joint Pains, Rheumatism, obesity, spondylitis, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Abdominal disorders, partial paralysis, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Ulcers, Migraine, Sinusitis, Chronic Constipation, Gout, Piles, Acidity, Back ache, Paralysis, Skin diseases (Pimpals, Black spots, White spots), Blood related problems, Gynaec problems, hairs problems etc. by using panchkarma therapy with external and internal Ayurvedic medicine with fitness exercises.
By treating the patient with traditional Ayurvedic Panchkarma. The Doctor of Pallavi Panchakarma and Fitness Clinic / Pallavi Clinic is able to cure the deceases with their good knowledge of various Ayurvedic herbs, shrubs, trees and treatment with SevaBhavna of our all staff.
Before treating patients we take patients History, family History, reaction History, current problems, which helps us in proper treatment of the patient. Patients are treated on proper time with proper treatment, guidance and Patthya.
The highly skilled trained staff of the Pallavi Panchakarma and Fitness Clinic/Pallavi Clinic is expert in Specialized Panchakarma treatment with Ayurvidic oils specially prepares at our end. By using A-Grade pure Ayurvedicherbs ,alsoAyurvedic herbs collected by our expert Doctor.
Ayurveda is a union of two sanskrit words “Ayus”, which means life, and “Veda”, which means knowledge or science. Ayurveda is a 5000 year old precious treasure, learnt, preserved and nurtured by the Indian culture. It has a power to infuse life in the body. It is a science of life and not merely the body. Ayurveda heals the body, the mind and the spirit, thus bringing complete harmony in the patient’s life.
Ailments occur due to an imbalance in the body or the mind, and thus, ayurveda, with the help of diets, massages, herbs, meditations and special treatments brings harmony and balance back in the body and life overall.
Thus, at Pallavi Clinic, we provide not just treatments but a means to gain knowledge about life with a focus on holistic healing of the body, the mind and the spirit.